Development Environment

WordPress Quick Tip: Fix Slow WordPress on MAMP

My local WordPress sites are super slow. Why? Other non-WordPress local sites run just fine. My problem is not the much documented bonjour vs .local TLD issue. I am using a custom TLD. tl;dr: Add the port MAMP uses for mySQL to wp-config.php: [UPDATE 20240127] If that doesn’t work, try bypassing MySQL TCP/IP. [UPDATE 20240127]

MAMP can’t start MySQL: InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35

If you have trouble where MAMP couldn’t start MySQL and you’re seeing lots of errors like this InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35 in terminal (* are notes, not commands to run) sudo launchctl unload -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/ * stops the system mysql in case it got started for some reason ps -ef | egrep

Modern IE: New IE9 Win7 Won’t Start Up in VirtualBox

I download a brand new IE9 Windows 7 virtual machine for VirtualBox from Modern IE, and after I imported it, it wouldn’t start up. Short answer: Download The Unarchiver as recommended by Modern IE and extract the zip using that instead of Mac OS’s built-in archive utility. Then double-click the .ova file, it will import, and